Some More Pictures of the Town


A Panorama looking down onto St Mary's Church

The next set of images can be displayed at a larger size when clicked on.

The castle from the North

The Castle

Another view of the castle

The Castle Mound

St Maurice from the East

Castle Green

The Castle from the South East

The Castle Sign

East from the Castle

St Maurice Church from the castle

Another view of the church

The Sir Joshua Reynolds Centre - formerly the Grammar School.

Pathfields looking towards the Castle

The Church from Pathfields

Pathfields again

The Pathfields Sign

St Marys Church

St Marys and Harewood Park

A closer view of St Marys Church

Plympton St Maurice

St Maurice again

St Maurice Church

A close up of St Maurice Church

The Castle from Underwood


A panorama looking further west

Ridgeway from the Plymco end

The War Memorial

Harewood House

Website designed by John Finch 1997-2005. Email for details.